Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami - Disaster Relief Coordination Center

Hi everyone,

As you've probably heard, Japan just experienced a major earthquake, followed hours later by a tsunami. Tzu Chi volunteers in Asia are mobilizing, and the CEO of Tzu Chi USA's Northwest Region just sent a status update. Please stay tuned for how we can help.

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Last night, Japan experienced its largest-ever earthquake. A Tzu Chi Relief Center was rapidly set up and reported in to Tzu Chi global headquarters and Dharma Master Cheng Yen. The US Emergency Response Team is also in contact with Taiwan HQ for status updates. (The disaster briefing they presented to Master Cheng Yen is attached.)

Let us wish for the road to recovery to be smooth and quick. We are awaiting instructions from headquarters for any support that we can provide.

Let's also raise our awareness and level of alertness to be prepared for earthquakes, which can strike anywhere without notice.

Minjhing Hsieh

Japan Earthquake Briefing (in Chinese):

[Original Chinese]


日本於加州時間昨晚 9:46 PM 發生大地震,引發海嘯,「慈濟日本強震海嘯賑災協調中心」隨即成立,向 上人稟報災情。總會 ERT 立即與本會聯繫,了解狀況,附上賑災協調中心簡報。讓我們戒慎虔誠,祈願災情早日得以控制,生命財產損失降到最低,我們會配合本會採取協助,並自我提高警覺,為地震的可能性做好準備。


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